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About Joe Slade

Why have a couple hundred corporate CEOs, Presidents, CMOs asked me to join their teams and to create a new path to sales acceleration, brand preference, market dominance and plain YOY growth?

How could I sustain those relationships through tectonic market shifts over15 years, 11 years and numerous stays of 8 or 9 years . . . and a few shorter too? And a pandemic. Would you first think about the cumulative value of leadership skills, strategic and analytics insights and the proven ability to create a plan and budget that work?

How did I learn to pollinate such diverse needs and expectations, across an array of industries, with a single focus and clarity of purpose so their confidence in me simply permeated our relationships? Respect. And trust. And results. And they understand my commitment to excellence and results for them rose above all the other noise and temptations.

Certainly not perfectly but with high marksmanship. And some fun in the mix too.

My virtual teams and I do not posture to be all things to all comers. No. Not. Nope.

If you are looking for some or most of the following, check the boxes, then text or call.

Brand management and brand development.

Customer acquisition and customer relationship management (CRM).

Market research, buyer personas and preferences.

SEO content creation integrated and social marketing.

Product marketing, including market validation and go-to-market guidance.

P. S. – Currently, I am the Mentor for a Texas State University I Corp team competing under the National Science Foundation umbrella. I have delivered their commercialization plan while they work on their AI-based remote monitoring algorithm.