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Why eBooks are important!

eBooks are important and vital to building your knowledge base and ability to reach and resonate with customers.

You know about and understand the principle of “propinquity”. Right?

It’s like this; “all other things being equal, the more often a person is exposed to a particular stimulus, the more favorably that stimulus tends to be evaluated. … According to the mere exposure explanation, propinquity influences attraction because physical closeness increases familiarity and hence liking for other persons” . . . and the things you use.

And eBooks are right there at your fingertips on your reading device. One or two clicks and you have the content that can and often will move you forward and faster on the path of you becoming the better you. It’s definitely not like drilling into your Word Doc folders or your browser bookmark tabs to find the really good stuff that inspires and molds you into a winner following your passion.

This is not a blatant push for my book “Crazy Smart”. But if you are really smart you will buy and read it to give yourself a tangible edge. And you then choose to work almost exclusively with and for winners.

Here’s a sample that’s tied to what’s happening in todays’ markets. Two years ago, I researched and wrote a Yesware/Salesforce case study that’s one of 20 case studies in the book. It documents, from curated sources, Matthew Bellows admission of early mistakes and the pivot he made as CEO that has turned the company into a SaaS powerhouse. The fuller story is in Chapter Three – “Learning Happens”.

Now, his biggest customer, Salesforce, has acquired Slack and is positioning itself to take on Microsoft as the go to resource for customer acquisition and retention.

You need to learn and grow yourself and your teams into winners. Buy Crazy Smart and win. And remember there are other eBooks you need like Ray Dalio’s “Principles”.

Put propinquity to work whether you are working flex, remote or as a hybrid. You got this.

#leadership #eBooks #doitright #elearning #postcovidsuccess #doitnow

#personaldevelopment #business #contentmarketing #marketing #leadership
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