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A lot better for you than white bread!

When you stir the pot for a while, and you have a curious mind and the energy to dive into pressing challenges, you can come up with results that change your life, organization cultures and even a few CEO outlooks. It doesn’t always look pretty when you first explore a new territory, but it can not only get clear but also become a game-changer.

You and your tribe need to take a look. If you do, you will find a map that leads you, slide-by-slide, from the bias of Ageism to the most productive way to populate your teams with age-diverse and just diverse players delivering greater productivity and profit. Or you can keep doing what you’ve been doing.

And you and your H R recruitment team will keep praying the mantra “We’ll get the right one this time”. Or not!

This slide deck started out as a section of Crazy Smart! right in the middle of the book between Chapters 5 and 6. The subject, Churn, is an insidious and unnecessary part of our business, healthcare and non-profit ecosystems. And OMG is it expensive!

Few issues could be more mainstream or be relevant to more people.  US Census Bureau Statistics reveal that 10,000 people in the U.S. turn 65 every day and that it will continue to happen – every day – from now until 2030.  The second fastest growing segment of the US population?  People 85 and older. 

Clearly, the value of putting an end to ageism — and its pointless, deleterious and, we now know, costly effects – goes way beyond the feel good and aspirational. 

This is a significant public health, public finance and corporate health issue.

And why is it vital to your quality of life? Look at the deck and then use this visual map to move forward and upward to where you now stand out from even the rest of the best.

Here are the links. Follow either one and you can view and download and share.

And you can sign up for the Crazy Smart! blog and get actionable stuff that will put you in the winner’s circle or on that top level of the podium. Enjoy!

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