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We can do better! Really, we can.

According to a study by Leadership IQ, 46% of newly-hired employees will fail within 18 months, while only 19% will achieve unequivocal success. One half of new hires fail in the first 18 months! Do you really want to do that to yourself?

Contrary to popular belief, a lack of technical skills is not the primary reason why new hires fail. Instead, poor interpersonal skills dominate the list—flaws which many of their managers admit were overlooked during the interview process.

The study found that 26% of new hires fail because they can’t accept feedback, 23% because they’re unable to understand and manage emotions, 17% because they lack the necessary motivation to excel, 15% because they have the wrong temperament for the job, and only 11% because they lack the necessary technical skills.

Look for winners. Look for the outliers. Add them to your tribe and your team. You can do better. Really!

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