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Value Creation Is Not Symmetric.

Derek Price, who was a British physicist, historian of science, and information scientist, discovered something about his peers in academia. He noticed that there was always a handful of people who dominated the publications within a subject. Price found out the following (now called Price’s law):

50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who participate in the work.

What Are the Implications?

Look, we don’t have the time to study all the 1419 mental models that exist. We still have to put on our clothes every morning and work, so we can pay the bills. But that’s also not a productive way to live.

Become very good at what you do. That’s the only way you can provide value. We must be realistic. There are no shortcuts. But there is help. It takes time to be good—let alone be great.

Similarly, companies need to hire more A-players who’ve already made asymmetric contributions to other businesses in the past. My new book, Crazy Smart!, reveals ten points about winners and what they deliver. That’s where you get clues about where to look for winners to bring on to the team.

And that’s one of the most important business lessons I’ve learned by simply observing the minority (including me) that creates the most value.

What is Your Best Choice?

Winning is contagious! Winning feels good! Grab a copy of my new book and make the takeaways actionable in your life. Professional growth will follow. And more.

Click on the cover photo and begin a new journey that presents 10 perspectives of what winners look like and what they do with the positive attitudes that come from winning. And more than 20 case studies that document winning too! You can use all these attributes.

Please click, buy, read, review and share with your family, tribe and team. And on social media too! You can make sure it’s contagious! Create your better future now. Thank you!


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