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Chapter 2 – Winners create this unique environment!

There is less absenteeism and more team solidarity in successful organizations because people spend more time together feeling good about what they can and do accomplish. More time together brings more information-sharing and mentoring.

In amateur sports, winners more frequently teach, support, and lead. Transferring those skills to business and to new challenges is easier for athletes.

Enabling a person or a team to do their best, use their strengths, and see what impact they create builds success, one day and one person at a time. Take the time. Recognize the winning talent in each person you engage, train, and mentor.

When people see that they are in an attractive environment, they tend to not walk out the door just because a friend said they got a job with a “really cool company”. These are your winners. They generate good work and good vibes knowing they, along with all the others you trust and lead, can share and learn to be happy, engaged, and connected.

#winnersrippleout #crazysmart #qualityoflife

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