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Skill without imagination is barren!

Throughout Crazy Smart! you will find fact-based, enormously powerful elements of what makes a winner, and what a winner’s brain expects to happen next. I will also tell stories and offer additional insights in the “My Two Cents” section of each chapter.

Drill down and learn how trying one more time results in overcoming the disasters of:

  • getting stuck and losing your self-confidence and self-worth,
  • what happens when you stop learning and start relying on habits, machine learning, and smart devices to do your work, and
  • picking people to be part of a potentially winning team because they can buy a résumé or have the skill to link data to a CRM.

Could you be stuck, looking for key truths that will unlock your future and lift you to the quality of life that so many people strive for? By recognizing, finding, and becoming winners, we change the game—forever!

At the center of winning is simply this: Winning makes you feel good!

When you show people that you care, that you have put in the energy for purposeful practice and become skilled at a facet of life important to you, you separate yourself from the average—the ones who have some skills but are often deeply absorbed in their smart device, or whose primary interests on their first day at a company are the snack bar and Friday Happy Hours. When they actually work, they plug into the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) and only do what’s likely to be in their best interests. They have no time for you, and no talent or intention to elevate the team.

Winners, on the other hand, are wanted at virtually every table. They have achieved and continue to achieve, and they are intentional in their generosity to teach you and the team how to be better and do more with what you have. They demonstrate an open, wholehearted approach to sharing the success they and you create.

The solution to getting to the top of your game is to learn, recognize, and integrate the characteristics of winners—their attitudes and actions—then leverage your unique strengths to become one, and finally find and attract other winners to you.

Please dive right in and absorb all the game-changing stories and attributes you will find in each chapter. Read on to ramp up your happiness and your quality of life! You’re worth it!

#qualityoflife #leadership

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